
The seal of quality.

The original SteirerKren proudly bears some very famous seals of quality. The Styria Heart, the logo of the Gastronomic Region and the PGI symbol guarantee genuine Styrian origin.

PGI – Protected Geographical Indication.

Genuine Styrian horseradish can be identified by the inscription "Steirischer Kren g.g.A.” ("Styrian horseradish PGI”) or the EU logo "Protected Geographical Indication” on the product label. Only businesses that undergo monitoring by the testing institutions may label their product "Styrian horseradish”. The Protected Geographical Indication means that there is a close connection between agricultural produce and foods and their region of origin. Production takes place strictly in line with specifications and only registered Styrian horseradish farmers are allowed to bring Styrian horseradish PGI to market.

Styria Heart.

The brand "Steiermark” and the Styria Heart which is associated with it emphasise the uniqueness of a whole region. The "Green Heart of Austria” is positioned in the national and international market with its values of nature and naturalness, warmth and humour, enjoyment and pleasure, tradition and innovation as well as freedom and individuality. Regionally made products from Styria are labelled with the green Heart.

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