Strong demand


Horseradish has been well-known in Austria since the middle ages as a "spicer upper” for body, spirit and soul and has yet another, and actually much more significant, trick up its sleeve: Horseradish contains twice as much vitamin C as a lemon. The health aspect is further emphasised by its diverse ingredients such as vitamins C, B1, B2 and B6 as well as the minerals calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. 

Conscious spiciness.

The growing awareness of health and nutrition can be seen in the strong demand for organic and environmentally friendly foods, regional products and the growing number of vegans, vegetarians and "flexitarians” or "part-time vegetarians”, which is what trend researchers have dubbed those who do not completely cut out meat, but prefer to only eat it occasionally. The meat they then eat is eaten in a conscious way and only if it is of the highest quality. Trends such as urban gardening, in which fruit and vegetables are grown in plots even in the middle of city centres, are also finding their way into metropolises such as Berlin or Vienna – because people once more want to know what they are eating and where it comes from.

Spices heat us up.

When the temperatures sink in autumn it is especially important to regulate the body’s temperature balance with the aid of correct nutrition. This is a piece of wisdom that not only informs the nutritional theory of the five elements in traditional Chinese medicine but is also reflected in Austrian autumn and winter dishes. Hot dishes such as soups and stews play an important role at this time of year – and with the right ingredients you can bring happiness to anyone who is prone to feeling the cold. Above all, a warming effect is ascribed to many spices. 


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