Black Angus filet steak with potato and horseradish gratin


4 filet steaks from Argentinean Black Angus beef of 200 g each
1 kg  of potatoes
200 g of shallots
200 g of broccoli
80 g of freshly shaved horseradish or SteirerKren
1 garlic clove
200 ml of sweet cream
50 ml of strong bouillon
100 g of grated Gouda
100 g of cream cheese
Salt, pepper, nutmeg


Wash potatoes, peel and cut into thin slices. Dice shallots finely and sweat until translucent. Add chopped garlic and half of the grated horseradish. Briefly sweat the sliced potatoes and deglaze with stock and cream. Leave to boil briefly. Add the cream cheese and season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Fill a baking dish around five cm high with the briefly blanched broccoli and add the potato mixture. Sprinkle with the grated Gouda and bake for around 20 minutes in the oven at 180°C. Leave the ready gratin to cool a little and cut out portions with a circular cutter. While the gratin is in the oven you can sear the steaks and then cook them in the oven too. The duration depends on how well done you want the steaks. Sprinkle the ready steaks with course pepper. Mix the rest of the horseradish with medium-strength table mustard and serve as a steak dip.

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