Chicken breast in horseradish-batter on lettuce


600 g chicken breast strips
40 ml soy sauce
1 small handful of coriander leaves

For the batter:

2 eggs
150 ml buttermilk
some ginger, grated
120 flour
2 tablespoons cornstarch
50 g SteirerKren
Vegetable oil for frying


Season the chicken breast with salt, pepper, soy sauce, the freshly cut coriander leaves and ginger. Separate the eggs. Whisk the egg yolk with the buttermilk until smooth. Beat and fold in the egg whites until stiff and add the SteirerKren and wasabi paste (if desired). Put all liquid ingredients together. Add salt to the flour and the cornstarch in a seperate bowl.

Coat the chicken breast strips with flour and then with the egg, engage in hot oil and fry floating over medium heat for about 3 minutes. Drain on absorbent paper. Sprinkle with fresh SteirerKren.


Serve with best crisp lettuce.

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