Crispy fried char filet on horseradish risotto with basil pesto


4 char filets of 160 g each
a little flour
Sea salt, ground black pepper
2250 g of "Arborio” risotto rice (medium grain rice of the category ""Superfino”)"),
50 g of butter
2 tablespoons of olive oil
2 shallots 
100 ml of white wine
400 ml of vegetable stock
2 tablespoons of SteirerKren from the refrigerator
A little ground nutmeg

Ingredients for pesto: 

100 g of basil leaves
50 g of pine nuts
20 g of Parmesan or Pecorino (finely grated)
0,2 l of good olive oil
2 tablespoons of white balsamic vinegar
Salt, pepper
A little ground nutmeg 


Lightly flour the main side of the char filets. Fry until crispy in olive oil on a not too high heat. Turn filets, flavour with a dab of butter and a few basil leaves, season with sea salt and pepper. Heat 30 g of butter and olive oil, fry diced shallots in this without browning. Add rice, briefly fry too. Deglaze with white wine. Gradually add vegetable stock and cook the rice for around 20 minutes while stirring. Stir SteirerKren and the rest of the butter into the risotto. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Spread risotto on the plates, place crispy fried char filets on top. Serve with basil pesto, crisp basil leaves and SteirerKren shavings from the pan. For the basil pesto, put all ingredients in a food processor and blend into a creamy sauce with the addition of the olive oil.

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