Horseradish beef roulade


4 roulades between 150 and 250 g
grated horseradish (or SteirerKren from the refrigerator)
1 - 2 tablespoons of mustard
Salt, ground pepper
100 g of finely diced bacon (ideally breakfast bacon)
1 chopped/diced onion
1 - 2 finely diced carrots
3 diced pickled cucumbers
1 small bunch of parsley

For stewing: 

clarified butter
1 chopped onion
1 chopped carrot
1 quartered tomato
around 3/8 of a litre of hot stock
2 - 3 tablespoons of red wine
4 tablespoons of crème fraîche


Spread meat out flat, cover with mustard and then horseradish, season with salt and pepper, spread bacon, onions, finely chopped parsley, diced pickled cucumbers and diced carrots on the roulades and roll up. Then turn in flour, tie up with thread. Heat clarified butter in a pan (ideally Teflon-coated), fry roulades. Add onions and carrots to brown them, then add tomato pieces. Add stock until the meat is half covered. Cook at 130 to 150° C for around 1.5 hours. At the end add red wine to the sauce, reduce then strain through a sieve. Refine with crème fraîche. Serve the ready dish with kohlrabi and bread dumplings.

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