Medaillons of pork with horseradish crust


12 medaillons of pork
25 g sour cream
4 tbsp SteirerKren
4 tbsp butter
3 toastbread slices
1/2 bunch of fresh herbs
salt and pepper


Melt the butter. Cut the toastbread, chop the herbs. Mix the toastbread with the lemonzests and the chopped herbs. Puree the mixture in a food processor to a fine pâté. Add the sour cream, season it with salt and pepper and finally add the horseradish. Put into the refrigerator. Grill the medallions of pork for 2 minutes on each side. After that add the horseradish crust on the medallions and close the grill for 15 minutes. A recipe from CookingCatrin.


Goes best with fresh, green salad and bruschetta with olive oil and herbs.

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