SteirerKren cream soup


2 onions
2 cloves of garlic
1200 ml vegetable stock
2 - 3 tbsp. olive oil
6 tbsp. SteirerKren
3 small potatos
150 ml white wine
2 green apples
4 slices of bread
3 tbsp. Creme fraiché
Salz & Pfeffer


Peel the onion and the cloves of garlic and dice it. Peel the potatos and cut it into small cubes. Heat a little olive oil in a pan, potatos, onions and garlic need to be sauté until translucent. Deglaze with white wine and fill it up with vegetable stock. Add the freshly grated SteirerKren. Let it boil for 25 to 30 minutes. Meanwhile cut the apples into fine cubes. Keep for tablespoons of apples for the final serving suggestion. Cut the dark bread into cubes and roast it in a little olive oil. Season the soup with salt and pepper, add the Creme fraiché and mash with a immersion blender. Add the apple slices and allow to draw for a few minutes. A recipe from CookingCatrin.

Serving suggestion: 

Before serving, arrange on plates and sprinkle it with lots of roasted breat and each a tablespoon full of fresh apple cubes. If you like to, you can also sprinkle the soup with some pumpkinseed oil.

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