SteirerKren soup


1 onion
1 tbsp of butter
1.5 l of chicken soup
500 ml white wine
2 tbsps of SteirerKren
500 ml of crème fraîche
1 pinch of sugar


Cut onion into small pieces. Heat butter in a pan, sauté onion briefly. Add the sugar and brown briefly, deglaze with white wine and cover with soup. Let the soup simmer for 15 min. on a low heat. Then remove the pan from the cooker, add the SteirerKren and cover the pan and let it stand for 10 min. Pour the soup through a fine sieve, stir in crème fraîche and mix with a hand-held blender. Season with pepper and salt and serve immediately. 

Hot tip: 

After you have added the SteirerKren to the soup you should avoid bringing it back to the boil.

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