Filet of Franconian free-range beef with horseradish schnapps flambéed with cèpe ragout, glazed root vegetables and SteirerKren muffin


4 ready portioned steak filets of 180 g each from Franconian free-range beef
4 cl of horseradish schnapps
250 g of fresh cèpes
0,2 l of fresh cream
0,25 kg of butternut squash
0,2 kg of parsley root
0,25 kg of swedes
2 cups of flour
25 g of belly of pork
4 finely diced shallots
2 beaten eggs
2 teaspoons of baking powder
15 g of sour cream
15 g of milk
a dash of white wine
freshly ground SteirerKren
Salt, fresh ground pepper
ground caraway, nutmeg
a little icing sugar
clarified butter
freshly chopped herbs
muffin moulds 


Clean cèpes and fry with half of the shallots in hot clarified butter, season with salt, pepper and ground caraway, deglaze with white wine and fill up with the cooking cream, reduce everything together until creamy and at the end add freshly chopped garden herbs. Clean vegetables, wash and cut into shape, blanch everything in salt water and quench in iced water, drain. 

In the meantime prepare the muffin, fry diced bacon until crispy, later add the diced shallots and drain. Mix flour, baking powder and salt in a large bowl, mix eggs, milk, sour cream well in a small bowl, add everything to the dry ingredients, stir, add the bacon mixture and the freshly grated horseradish, pour into greased moulds and bake at 190°C for approx. 18 minutes until they are light brown. 

In the meantime season the filets and sear on both sides in a hot griddle pan, remove from the heat and pour on horseradish schnapps and flambé, continue cooking in the pan in the oven at approx. 150°C for around 8 minutes, then take out of the oven and leave the meat to stand for several minutes. 

Glaze the vegetables in a little icing sugar and butter and season, place the filets on hot plates and add a dash of cèpe ragout on top. Place the vegetables attractively on the plates and serve with the lukewarm muffin and fresh garden herbs.

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