Happy egg with SteirerKren foam

Ingredients for 4 portions:

4 eggs, very fresh
2 cl cider vinegar
4 slices of bread or wholemeal toast
6 slices ham or prosciutto, finely cutted
30-40 g SteirerKren
Chervil and tarragon for garnish

For the foam:

200 g melted butter
2 egg yolks
4 cl white wine, dry
Juice of 1/2 lemon
40 g SteirerKren


Melt the butter. Cut the toastbread, chop the herbs. Mix the toastbread with the lemonzests and the chopped herbs. Puree the mixture in a food processor to a fine pâté. Add the sour cream, season it with salt and pepper and finally add the horseradish. Put into the refrigerator. Grill the medallions of pork for 2 minutes on each side. After that add the horseradish crust on the medallions and close the grill for 15 minutes.


Goes best with fresh, green salad and bruschetta with olive oil and herbs.

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