Horseradish ice cream with spiced citrus ragout


600 ml of milk
80 g of cream
100 g eggwhite
25 g of SteirerKren
1,5 g of wasabi powder
100 g of sugar

Ingredients for spiced citrus ragout: 

225 ml of orange juice
50 g of acacia honey
1/2 a cinnamon stick
1/2 a vanilla pod
10 g of crème powder
1 clove 
1 star anise 
1 bay leaf 
1 juniper berry


Bring milk and cream to a boil with horseradish and wasabi powder. Leave to simmer for 10 minutes. Strain, then stir egg yolk with sugar, add to the milk mixture and heat to 85 °C. Then freeze in the ice cream maker.

Preparation for spiced citrus ragout: 

Bring everything to the boil and leave to simmer for around 1 hour. Strain through a fine sieve. Mix 10 g of crème powder with cold water and add to the boiling stock – so that this binds. Leave to cool. Peel around 8 oranges, fillet them and add to the cold stock.

Serving suggestion: 

Pour the cold citrus ragout into a soup plate. Add a little horseradish ice cream on top. Sprinkle with freshly grated horseradish.

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