Potato pancakes with smoked salmon and SteirerKren


12 pieces of salmon, smoked
500 g of potatoes, floury
1 onion
2 tsps of cornflour
2 eggs
1 cup of crème fraîche
1 tbsp of SteirerKren
1 garlic clove
4 tbsps of oil
Salt and pepper
4 thin slices of lemon 


Peel onion and dice finely. Peel potatoes, grate coarsely and press out the juice well. Mix potatoes, onion, cornflour and eggs well. Season with salt and pepper. Mix crème fraîche with SteirerKren and the crushed garlic clove. Heat oil in a pan, add the potato mass by the spoonful. Press into 4 medium-sized pancakes and fry until golden brown on both sides. Remove pancakes from the pan and drain on kitchen paper. Spread the smoked salmon slices on the pancakes. Add some crème fraiche and garnish with a thin slice of lemon. Serve immediately.

Gourmet tip 

It tastes best when served with green salad. 

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