Rare grilled veal tenderloin with SteirerKren bread sauce (Semmelkren) on beetroot carpaccio


700 g veal tenderloin
120 g stale white bread, chopped into cubes, crusts removed butter
2 small shallots
200 ml milk
2 dessert spoonfuls SteirerKren for the
Semmelkren and
130 g 130g extra SteirerKren
1/8 l beef stock
4 cl Noilly Prat
2–3 dessert spoonfuls crème fraîche
Salt, pepper, freshly grated nutmeg
70 g Parmesan
sprig of rosemary
3 small cooked beetroot
a little rapeseed oil 


For the Semmelkren, sautée the shallots until translucent, add bread cubes and pour in the milk. Reduce, then season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Fold in 2 dessert spoonfuls SteirerKren and put the mixture into a piping bag. For the horseradish sauce, reduce the beef stock with the Noilly Prat crème fraîche, add 50g SteirerKren and mix well. For the decorative SteirerKren Parmesan leaf, mix 80g SteirerKren with the Parmesan and place 4 circles on a baking tray lined with baking parchment. Bake at 180° C for around 6 minutes until golden brown. Cut across both ends of the veal tenderloin. Use the handle of a wooden spoon to push an opening through the length of the tenderloin and fill with the Semmelkren, then close the ends. Brown the tenderloin in a frying pan, season with salt and pepper, put into a casserole with the rosemary sprig and cook in the oven at 180°C for 12 to 14 minutes. Then let it rest at 75°C. Cut the beetroot into thin slices, drizzle with rapeseed oil, season with nutmeg and briefly heat at 200°C. Slice the veal tenderloin diagonally and arrange on the carpaccio, nap with the horseradish sauce and decorate with the SteirerKren Parmesan leaf.

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