Vanilla and horseradish mousse


100 g of freshly grated horseradish or SteirerKren
100 g of sugar
250 g of milk
1 long vanilla pod
4 leaves of gelatine
0,5 l of cream


Caramelise sugar in a pan (ideally Teflon-coated), add the grated horseradish and carefully mix with a wooden or plastic spoon. Scrape out the pulp/contents of the sliced vanilla pod and add this pulp to the pan with the milk and bring to a boil on a low heat. Beat cream until stiff. Stir the soaked gelatine into the horseradish-milk mixture until this has dissolved. Now leave the mixture to cool down and stir. Carefully fold in whipped cream and leave everything to chill overnight in the refrigerator. Shape balls in the mixture or scoop out several half balls with a chilled soup spoon and serve on a chilled small plate. You could also add a small spoon of vanilla sauce to the vanilla and horseradish mousse as a "garnish”.

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